We have bought different kinds of pull up diapers but she had a hard time pulling them down or didn't know what to do with them. I also found her legs were not fitted right in the pants and we had leaks. I did find Huggies Pull-Ups to be the best fitted for her. Training pants are more costly than diapers so we used them for the daytime and regular diapers at night.
When, R turned three it was time to get on the potty train again. It was hard to pick her up onto her change table, and she didn't want me to change her.
In the mail, was a package for my daughter. She was so excited to open her box from Influenster. The box contained complimentary Huggies Pull-Ups Cool and Learn training paints to review. R loves Sophia and Minnie Mouse so she loved the package. I opened the bag and tried to explain how the pull ups work. R was ready for potty training. I noticed how easy it was to take the training pant off with the easy open seal. The ones that I previously used I had to rip the sides off. The number 2 training was easier than the number 1. When she had to go she ran to the potty, pulled the pull-up down and was able to go. Experiencing Huggies Pull-Ups Cool and Learn, we switched to underwear and tried the 3 day potty training method. I can say Huggies gave her the tools to move forward to the use of underwear and R is diaper free and officially potty trained.
Huggies Cool and Learn Pull-Ups come in three different sizing: 2-3 T (44 pack), 3-4 T (40 pack) and 4-5 T (33 pack). Retails for $19.97 and there is a $2.00 coupon on Huggies website. #ByeByeDiapers, thank you Influenster and Huggies.
"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."
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